It’s been said a lot in recent weeks that the UK government’s instructions on social distancing is unclear, unintuitive, and lacks any sort of common sense. I think that’s rather unfair so below I’ve written out the rules in an easy to follow list.

  • You must wash your hands thoroughly and frequently

  • You must not make unnecessary trips outside your home

  • You must self quarantine for 14 days once you start to show symptoms of coronavirus

  • You must not be within 2 meters of people outside your household

  • You must not travel to work unless it’s necessary.

  • You must stay at home unless you don’t want to.

  • If you or someone in your household shows symptoms of coronavirus you must stay at home unless you’re instinct tells you not to.

  • You may visit communal areas but you must not be within 2 meters of other people unless you know them in which case you must not know more than 1 person you’re not within 2 meters of. Other people you know must not be within 2 meters and not near within 2 meters of you.

  • You must not know more than 1 neighbour if you see them not within 2 meters of you.

So really just follow the government’s advice of using your common sense.